What Are Professional Dog Nail Clippers?

While many people might not think of them as such, the nails on a dog's paws are actually claws. Non-retractable, dogs can use these nails to rake, but they also use them for traction when running. And just like their owner's nails, a dog's nails need to be clipped, trimmed and cared for when they get too long.
  1. Appearance

    • Professional dog nail clippers look more like a pair of pliers then a set of nail clippers. These nail clippers have a set of grips with a spring in the center, and the end of the clippers that actually trims the nails has a rounded, sharp opening like a wire cutter.


    • Professional dog nail clippers are relatively easy to use if you have a dog that's sitting still. You grip the clippers in one hand and squeeze the handles. As you squeeze, the force closes the rounded end, which applies pressure to the nail. The blades cut the nail, snipping off the end cleanly.


    • Clipping a dog's nails is simple with professional dog clippers, but you need to make sure you don't cut too close. Dog's nails have veins running through them and for dogs with white nails you can see where the pink fades to white. The white is dead nail that can be trimmed off without pain or injury. For dogs with black nails, you need to trim a little off at a time, stopping when the interior of the nail stops being dry.


    • Professional-style dog nail clippers come in a fairly wide variety. The handles are typically made out of plastic or rubber to provide a strong grip, and they can be any color or pattern. The metal parts of the tool are stainless steel for strength, and the tool itself may be different sizes. However, any set of professional dog nail clippers should work for the nails on any breed of dog.