How to Groom & Cut a Yorkie Dog

The Yorkshire terrier is a small dog with a big personality. It is not unusual for Yorkie owners to have more than one. They make great companions, especially if you have limited space for a pet. This adventurous and inquisitive little dog requires a great deal of grooming for healthy skin and coat. Introduce your puppy to the grooming process, such as brushing, baths, cutting nails and oral care, at a very early age.

Things You'll Need

  • Shampoo
  • Conditioner
  • Pin Brush
  • Comb
  • Nail Clippers
  • Quick Stop
  • Cotton Balls &Cotton Swabs
  • Ear Cleaner
  • Toothbrush &Toothpaste
  • Scissors
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    • 1

      Before bathing your Yorkie, pass a comb through the fur to be sure there are no mats or knots in the fur. Wet mats will tighten up and be impossible to remove after the bath.

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      Shampoo your Yorkie with a tearless shampoo in lukewarm water. Be careful to keep the shampoo out of the eyes and ears. Rinse well. Rub in conditioner, let it sit on your dog for about two minutes and rinse well again.

    • 3

      Before removing your dog from the tub, brush its teeth. Introduce oral care as soon as you get your puppy. Use a small dog or child's toothbrush and pet-approved toothpaste. When brushing the teeth, work from the back teeth on each side, up and down and then the front.

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      Towel dry your Yorkie and place it on a table or secure platform to blow dry the fur. Brush your dog while drying to eliminate knots.

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      Use cotton balls that are slightly moistened with a pet-approved ear cleaner to clean the ear lobes and all around the inner and outer cartilage of the ear. Use cotton swabs in the small crevices of the ear lobes and slightly on the inside of the ear, taking care not to dig deep and chance injury to the eardrum.

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      Firmly hold your dog's paw between your thumb and forefinger, gently pushing so the nails are visible. Clip the tip of the nail, watching that you do not go below the quick. On most pet nails, you can see where the red vein is within the nail unless the nail is black. A nail file may help in filing the nail down after the nails are trimmed. Always have some quick-stop on hand in case of an accident to stop any bleeding.

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      Part your dog's hair straight down the middle of the neck and back and brush the hair completely. Follow up with the comb to be sure you have not missed any knots or mats. Use your scissors to cut the skirt so that there are no unruly hairs hanging down.

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      Note if there are any hairs sticking up on top of the foot as well as under the pad of your dog's paw. Comb over each paw and cut a nice rounded paw with your scissors. You are aiming for a neat paw with no unruly hairs sticking out.

    • 9

      Groom the head and face by brushing the fur on top of the head forward towards the nose. Trim a clean line across the top of the eye brows. Comb down both sides of the face to cut each side of the face in a half moon shape. Try to trim evenly on both sides.

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      Trim the ear even with the leather if you want a more even look. Finish the grooming with a spray of pet cologne along the back and rear area.