How to Tape Up a Great Dane's Ears

Most Great Danes have ears that stand erect, which makes them look alert and strengthens their hearing. To ensure your Great Dane has the straight ears you desire, you must engage in a practice called "taping the ear." Taping the ear means that you create makeshift splints for your dog's ears, forcing them to stand erect. Taping the ear is a simple process, but one mistake can severely damage your dog's ear, so proceed carefully and consult a vet if you fear your dog's ear may be in trouble.

Things You'll Need

  • Tampon applicator
  • Scissors
  • Medical cloth tape
  • Rubbing alcohol
  • Cotton swabs
  • Leash
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    • 1

      Examine your dog's ears for any sign of sores or infection. Don't tape your Great Dane's ears while its has injuries, or the injuries may get worse.

    • 2

      Wash your dog's ears with rubbing alcohol and cotton swabs. Swab the ear inside and out to remove oil and dirt. Allow the ears to dry before you continue.

    • 3

      Cut an unused cardboard tampon applicator equal to the length from the dog's ear canal to the top of the ear, and wrap the applicator in first-aid cloth tape. Reverse the tape, and wrap it around the applicator again, so the sticky side faces outward. Place a piece of tape (adhesive side down) on both ends of the tampon applicator.

    • 4

      Fit a leash around the dog's neck and have an assistant hold it firmly to prevent the Great Dane's head from moving. Young Great Danes are rambunctious and strong, so enlist the help of an able-bodied assistant who can handle a large, strong dog. Have a second assistant hold the dog's head steady and straight.

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      Hold the dog's ear erect. Place the taped tampon applicator so it rests in the dog's ear canal and extends to the tip of the ear. Press the ear to the tape so it sticks to the adhesive side.

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      Wrap medical tape around the tips and the base of the dog's ear to hold them securely to the taped tampon applicator. Wrap the entire ear in tape after the top and bottom are secure.

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      Stretch a piece of tape from the front of the left ear to the back of the right ear. Wrap the tape around the front of the right ear and onto the back of the left ear to create a figure-8 shape that will hold the ears erect. The tape should hold the ears in a "V" shape.

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      Leave the casts on the Great Dane's ears for three to four days and then give the dog a two-day rest period before you wrap them again. Wash the dog's ears with rubbing alcohol between each taping section.