How to Use Garlic Clove Powder for Dogs

Garlic cloves have been a form of holistic medicine for people and animals for many years. Proper use can help fight against infection, enhance liver function, lower blood cholesterol, and even help to prevent cancer. Recently, garlic cloves have been under scrutiny for use on dogs because they contain a chemical compound that when distributed to animals in large doses can cause Heinz body anemia. What this means is that the chemical compound, called n-propyldisulfide, can damage red blood cells to the point that the body rejects them and causes anemia and even death. The key to using garlic clove powder to safely treat dogs is in the way it is administered.

Things You'll Need

  • Scale
  • Teaspoon measuring instruments
  • Garlic clove powder
  • Dog food
  • Dog bowl
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    • 1

      Weigh your dog. This is key to knowing what is a safe amount to give your pet, especially if you later decide to use fresh garlic. However, this is the maximum for each weight, you do not have to give your dog this exact amount, you can give less. Dogs weighing 10 to 15 pounds should have no more than the equivalent of half a clove per dose; dogs 20 to 40 pounds, one clove; 45 to 70 pounds, two cloves; 75 to 90 pounds, 2.5 cloves; and 100 pounds or more, three cloves. To use powder, one clove is equal to approximately 1/8 of a teaspoon of clove powder.

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      Decide on a distribution schedule. This should revolve around meal times, because the powder will need to be mixed with food. The dose should be given no more than three to four times per week. You want to make sure your pet has at least one to two days off from the powder and it is also a good idea to take a periodic week off to ensure the best results.

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      Pour your dog's food into its bowl and measure it if you need to, to find out about how much there is in weight. Mix 1/8 of a teaspoon of garlic powder, or the suggested amount for your dog's size, in with its food. You should have no more than 1/8 of a teaspoon of powder for every one pound of food.

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      Mix the powder and food well and then serve the dish to the dog. The type of garlic you use will be better for different things. Fresh garlic that has been pressed or juiced is best for fighting off infections but clove powder as discussed here, is better for enhancing the immune system and preventing cancer.