Organic Flea Prevention

Fleas are a natural part of owning a pet, particularly if you have a dog that spends much time outdoors in sandy, grassy or wooded areas. While fleas might be a natural part of dog ownership, the treatments used to eradicate them often are not natural. Quite the opposite, fleas are generally treated with a combination of toxins and chemicals that some pet owners may find undesirable for their dog because of the chemicals they introduce not only into the dog's system, but into the owners' homes as well. For owners concerned about the chemicals in traditional flea treatments, organic flea treatments are available.

Things You'll Need

  • Flea comb
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      Research organic flea treatments in the form of liquids added to your pet's water daily. The liquid should contain ingredients like garlic, vinegar, citrus and herbs that cause the pet to produce an enzyme that blocks a female flea from receiving a protein she needs to lay eggs in the pet's fur. Without that protein, the female fleas move on to another host, and the male fleas leave with them, resulting in less fleas on your pet.

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      Look for a dog or cat shampoo which contains melaleuca, eucalyptus, garlic and aloe vera as these ingredients will help heal bites and scratches and clean and moisturize your pet's coat. When sprayed on a pet's coat in a concentrated manner and allowed to penetrate the skin for about 10 minutes, these ingredients will also kill fleas. When applied regularly, these ingredients may prevent fleas from biting your pet in the first place.

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      Consider applying a small amount of Juniperus virginiana (red cedar) oil to the back of your pet's neck as the fragrance given off by this oil is believed to kill fleas, their eggs and larvae. The oil was tested by Iowa State University for use by the U.S. Army to eliminate the Desert Sand flea problem experienced by soldiers serving in Iraq.

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      Use a flea comb to brush through your pet's coat after every venture outside. Apply a small amount of petroleum jelly to the comb tips to help the fleas stick to the comb. Wash the fleas down the drain. Be careful to check behind your pet's ears, in between toes and around the base of the tail.