Things You'll Need
- Dog shampoo
- Rubber gloves
- Washcloth
Place your dog in the shower, before turning on the faucet. Your dog may be less amenable to showering, once the water is turned on. Point the shower head toward the wall, to avoid spraying water all over the bathroom.
Hold your dog against the wall under the water, while you sit or kneel on the side of the tub. If your dog is small -- or your shower is large -- throw on a bathing suit, and hop in with him. You'll get wet either way, but joining him affords you more control.
Saturate your dog with water and turn the shower off. Massaging the shampoo into your dog, will be easier without water pouring down on top of him. Apply a line of shampoo, from your dog's neck to his tail. Squeeze a quarter-sized amount of shampoo into your hand, and apply it to his chest and upper neck. Massage the shampoo across his back and down through his belly. Put on rubber gloves and massage a small amount of shampoo over --but not in-- his genital and rectal region
Place a washcloth over your dog's eyes, while you massage a quarter-sized amount of shampoo into his face, head and behind -- but not in -- his ears. Avoid ear infections, by minimizing the water in his ears during the shower.
Reposition the shower head, or turn the shower back on, and rinse your dog thoroughly. Rub your hands over his fur and under his legs, so the water reaches his undercoat and belly. Wash all your dog's sides by repositioning him, so his rear-end faces front, or vice versa. If you have a little dog, pick him up in your arms and turn him around, under the shower head.
Turn off the water, and cover your dog with towel immediately, before he shakes. Rub him down with the towel, while he's still in the shower. Place another towel on the floor and lift him out. Allow him to shake -- but shut the bathroom door -- so he doesn't run through the house wet. Go over his fur with a blow dryer.