Things You'll Need
- ½ oz. Shaklee Basic H
- 1 gallon water
- Tub or dishpan
- Cotton balls
- Additional source of water
- Towel
Pour half an ounce of Basic H into a gallon of water. Mix well.
Place the animal in a bathtub, washtub, plastic kiddie pool or a dishpan, depending upon the size of the dog.
Put cotton balls into the dog's ears to protect them from Basic H or water leaking inside.
Wet the dog's fur thoroughly with water from a kitchen sprayer, handheld shower or garden hose, depending upon where you decide to bathe your dog.
Pour the diluted Basic H cleaning solution over the wet dog, starting at the head and working your way down the dog's body to the tail.
Use your fingers to work the solution into the dog's fur, making sure to rub deeply enough to reach the pet's skin. If your dog suffers from flea or tick infestation, pay particular attention to washing the dog's neck and the area along the lower back, above the tail. These two areas are known hot spots for fleas.
Apply a few drops of full-strength Basic H to stubbornly dirty areas, such as fur matted with gum, plant sap or tar. Wait a few moments for it to soften then rub the product through the mat until the fur feels clean. If the dog doesn't seem clean enough, apply more full-strength Basic H directly to the animal's fur and continue to shampoo until clean.
Rinse the dog well with clean water, starting at the head and working toward the tail and working the water through the fur with your fingers until the animal is well-rinsed.
Let the dog shake off excess water, then dry your pet well with a towel.