Things You'll Need
- Dog brush
- Face mask
- 3 percent hydrogen peroxide
- Baking soda
- Dishwashing soap
- Bowl
- Spoon
- Container
- Towel
- Dog shampoo
- Lubricating eye drops
- Cotton balls
- Bucket
- Dog crate
Brush your miniature poodle with a brush designed for dogs. Poodles have curly, coarse hair that is prone to matting. Brushing will help remove knots and excessively shed hair that can block the bathtub's drain. The brush will also massage the skin, helping slough off dead skin cells. If the dog is particularly stinky, wear a face mask.
The Humane Society recommends creating a cleaning treatment with 1 quart of 3 percent hydrogen peroxide, 1/4 cup of baking soda, and 1 teaspoon of dishwashing soap. A popular "deskunking" solution, the solution will help break down the enzymes that are causing the foul body odor. Mix the ingredients in a large bowl and mix it with a spoon. Pour the solution in a clean, empty container.
Prepare the bathroom before introducing your dog to it. This will help lower the dog's stress level. Prepare your workstation -- place clean towels, the dog's shampoo, and the bottle of the cleansing treatment nearby.
Prepare your miniature poodle. The American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals recommends that you protect the dog's eyes with lubricating eye drops from your veterinarian. Gently insert large cotton balls into the dog's ears. Do not place the cotton balls far into the ear canal. The cotton ball will protect the dog's ear canal from being overly wet, which can facilitate an ear infection.
Place the miniature pPoodle in the bathtub. Using a small bucket or container, douse the dog's fur. Saturate the dog's fur and skin with the cleansing treatment. Thoroughly massage the mixture into the dog's fur. Let the solution sit for a few minutes. The treatment is not poisonous, but err on the side of caution -- try to prevent the dog from licking the treatment off.
Rinse the cleansing treatment off. Using your -- or the dog's -- favorite dog shampoo, cleanse the dog's fur. Follow the instructions on the back of the bottle for proper cleaning instructions. Thoroughly rinse the shampoo off. Turn off the faucet and dry the dog with a towel. Place the miniature poodle in its dog crate until it dries.