How to Remove Stains From a Dog's Fur

Almost all dog owners know what it feels like to bring their dogs in from outside and find their canine companions covered in dirt, grass, or even urine stains. And no one wants a stained, stinky dog lounging on the nice living room furniture. Because taking your stained dog to the groomer can be very costly, many dog owners prefer to simply roll up their sleeves and bathe their dogs at home.


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      Put your dog in the bathtub and thoroughly wet down his coat with warm water from his neck down. Do not use hot or cold water; hot water will scald, and cold water will chill. Do not get water in his eyes or ears, either. If you think your dog might struggle and have trouble keeping his footing, put a non-slip shower or bath mat in the bottom of the tub so he doesn't get hurt. It's easiest to use a detachable shower head to wet down your dog, but if you don't have one, fill the tub with a few inches of water and use a large cup or similar container to gently wet down his coat. Make sure to wet your dog's coat down to the skin; this is especially important if you have a double-coated dog, such as a golden retriever, Newfoundland, or Siberian husky.

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      Lather your dog's coat with the dog shampoo of your choice. If your dog has sensitive skin, consider using a shampoo without harsh chemicals or soaps. Start at the top of your dog's neck and work toward his tail, making sure not to miss his legs, feet and belly and concentrating on the stains. If your dog has a short coat, work your hands against the coat to get all the dirt out. If your dog has a long coat, work with the coat to avoid tangling it. It's a good idea to gently brush or comb out any knots before washing the keep them from getting worse.

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      Rinse your dog's coat thoroughly with warm water, using a detachable shower head or container. If you're using a container, make sure to fill it with clean water (not dirty water from the bottom of the bathtub) to rinse your dog's coat. Rinse until there are no more suds in his coat; any residue will cause mats and irritation once his coat dries.

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      Lather your dog's coat with a bluing shampoo for dogs, just as you did with the regular dog shampoo, concentrating especially on the stains.

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      Rinse your dog's coat thoroughly, as you did before. Because this is the last time you'll rinse him, make sure to be even more careful and thorough to avoid leaving any residue behind.

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      Squeeze as much water as possible out of your dog's coat if he has a longer coat. Lift him out of the tub and towel dry him. If your dog has a long coat, it's better to pat his coat dry than rub it, or you'll tangle his coat. Your dog will probably be happy to help dry his coat by shaking as much water off as possible.