How Can I Settle My Dog So I Can Cut Her Toenails?

Starting a dog's toenail trimming routine when they are young can help make it easier on them as they grow older. Approach nail trimming with your dog as if it is something good, not a punishment. If this canine health care routine is being started later in a dog's life, it may be important to learn ways to restrain the dog to keep it calm and still. This will allow you to perform the clipping without injuring the pet or yourself.


    • 1

      Sit the dog down on the floor and sit behind her. Pet her and talk soothingly to help her remain calm and relaxed. Grasp one of her feet firmly in one hand and begin clipping with the other. A calm dog will allow the nails to be clipped easily and without difficulty.

    • 2

      Prepare to restrain the dog by placing her on a table and laying her down on her stomach, if she will not stay still for trimming. Stand on the side opposite from the paw that is to be trimmed and drape your right arm across her to comfortably hold her down. Place your left arm loosely across the dog's neck. Begin trimming with one hand holding the paw; the other holding the clippers. Do not press too hard with your arms; this is not supposed to hurt the animal.

    • 3

      Lay the dog on her side if she continues to wiggle or move too much, even when using the restraining method outlined in Step 2. This position will make her more relaxed and easier to handle because it puts her in a dog's position of vulnerability. Position yourself over the dog in the same way as in Step 2 and begin trimming.