How do I Get Rid of Maltese Tear Stains?

Like many small, white dogs, the Maltese can develop tear stains, reddish-brown stains located in the corners of the dog's eyes that can be caused by a number of things. If it's caused by bacteria or some other infection, it should be treated immediately so it does not damage the eyes.
  1. Vet

    • A visit to the veterinarian will rule out any disease or blocked tear-duct issue your Maltese may have that is causing the tear stains.


    • Ask your groomer to keep the hair around the eyes clipped short. Excessive hair around the eyes can cause tears to be wicked from the eyes. Your groomer can also recommend over-the-counter cleaners for your Maltese's tear stains.


    • Clean your Maltese's eyes with a soft cotton ball and warm water twice a day. You can also purchase over-the-counter tear-stain removers at a pet store specially designed for small white dogs. Be careful not to get any inside the eye and to keep your dog calm while cleaning.