How to Clip a Standard Poodle in a Town & Country Clip

The standard poodle does require a lot of grooming -- at least every four to six weeks. Because the poodle does not shed, the undercoat can mat easily. Gentle daily brushing is required on a young dog to help it to learn to love the brushing process, which reduces the chances for matting. Grooming should begin as soon as you bring your poodle puppy home. Most people prefer a pet style such as a puppy cut but one of the popular show dog styles is the Town and Country Clip.

Things You'll Need

  • Dog Shampoo
  • Electric Clippers
  • Blades ,,with #1 snap-on comb
  • Slicker Brush
  • Comb
  • Scissors
  • Nail clippers or nail grinder
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  1. Bath and Hair Cut

    • 1

      Bathe your standard poodle as the first step in grooming your dog. Shampoo, rinse and repeat the process, removing all soap. Blow dry completely.

    • 2

      Brush out your dog to be sure there are no mats. If you can get a comb through the fur, you are ready to begin using the clippers for the Town and Country Style.

    • 3

      Use the clippers with a blade to begin the cut. Clip your dog carefully in the direction of the growth of hair. Start at the base of the neck with smooth strokes all the way to the base of the tail along the back -- except to leave hair on the end of tail to later shape. Also go from neck to the top of shoulders and elbows. You will clip all around the neck down to the breast bone as well. Hair on the remainder of the breast bone and all legs with later be trimmed with another blade and scissors.

    • 4

      Use the numberblade with #1 snap-on comb as stated by to shorten the hair on breast and legs.

    • 5

      Use scissors to even out the hair to a smooth but crisp look. Comb the hair up and out to see any uneven hairs and clip to shape the legs and breast hairs. Shape a rounded ball at the end of the tail as well.

    • 6

      Use a blade on the feet and pads, shaving feet downward from the ankle area and carefully between the "toes". Gently cut each nail with nail clippers up to the quick which can be seen on light-colored nails. You can safely trim nails as well with a nail grinding tool which is a safer method to avoid cutting the quick.

    • 7

      Shave the face in an upward and outward motion from the throat area and behind the ears with a number blade for a nice clean look. All the hair left will be below the breast bone, the top of the head and ears -- which will be shaped with scissors.

    • 8

      Trim the ears evenly and shape a rounded top knot on the top of the head as illustrated in references two and three.