Easy Ways to Groom Shih Tzus

Shih Tzu dogs require vast amounts of grooming to remain in good physical and mental condition. These dogs need to be groomed every day, even if it is just a short brushing or combing to keep loose fur from turning into troublesome mats. If a shih tzu's coat is not kept clean and tidy, the dog may develop serious issues that result in veterinary bills.
  1. Puppy Cuts

    • Puppy cuts are cuts that are generally used on young show dogs or pet dogs of any age. The classic puppy cut keeps the fur clipped close to the skin. Ear and facial fur can be kept long or trimmed down to more easily manageable lengths. These cuts should first be administered by a licensed professional groomer, but upkeep can be performed by any pet owner. Scissors may be used to trim the facial and ear fur down to desired lengths. Electric or battery operated clippers should then be used on the majority of the body. If the paws or tail are sensitive or the dog does not enjoy having them handled, the owner may choose to use scissors on these areas instead of clippers. A puppy cut makes grooming a shih tzu easy, since the dog will need minimum daily upkeep and a trim about once every two weeks.

    Long Hair

    • Keeping a pet dog's hair at long lengths is time consuming. Simplify it by keeping up a regular schedule of running a long-toothed comb through the dog's fur prior to bathing. This removes loose hairs and helps free knots before they turn to mats during shampooing. After a bath, groom the dog again with the comb before drying the fur. Any mats you cannot work free with the comb should be trimmed away with scissors. When the dog is fully dry, comb the dog again then finish the grooming with a normal brush. A shih tzu with a long coat must be combed daily and should be combed again, entirely, when visible knots show up along the body.

    Show Grooming

    • Show grooming for shih tzus with standard length coats is an in-depth procedure that requires knowledge and practice. However, upkeep on these coats and preparation for the show ring can be made easier by making certain your grooming cart is fully stocked. Leave-in conditioner, short- and long-toothed combs, slicker brush, bristle brush, lotion, tear removal pads, ear cleaning drops and top knot ribbons should be kept organized in an easy-to-find arrangement, which will make show grooming much easier.