Free Homemade Remedies for Canine Mange & Mites

A dog with mange has tiny mites residing underneath its skin, turning its coat into an unsightly mess. A dog with mange often has scales on its head and neck, crusty ears and patches of baldness. It might also experience itchiness, weight loss, dehydration and lack of appetite. Some home remedies exist that could help with mange in dogs, but you should consult a veterinarian before administering any treatment yourself.
  1. Food

    • Natural Dog Health Remedies recommends a diet of natural foods including raw vegetables to help your dog cope with mange. Supplements such as fish oil, vitamin C and vitamin E can help relieve itchiness and rejuvenate the dog's coat. You can also add 1 tbsp. unpasteurized apple cider vinegar to the dog's food to treat the condition, according to Grandma's Home Remedies.


    • Natural Dog Health Remedies recommends adding herbs to the dog's diet to enhance its immune system and help it fight infections. For example, burdock root, dandelion and yellow dock eliminate toxins from the body. Other herbs that could help include echinacea to improve the immune system, licorice to increase cortisone production, nettle to stimulate blood circulation and sarsaparilla to fight bacteria.

    Topical Treatment

    • Grandma's Home Remedies recommends bathing your dog with a mixture of 1 to 2 tbsp. Borax for every 500 cc of 1 percent hydrogen peroxide, thoroughly mixed. Apply the mixture once a week for a period of up to two months; do not rinse or dry the dog after bathing. You can also apply garlic oil to the affected skin patches. Plain yogurt can also help treat the condition when applied to the ears. Natural Dog Health Remedies also recommends applying yarrow oil, salve or ointment to affected areas.