Dog Odor Remedy

Dogs can have an odor that may become overbearing if not kept under control. If your house smells of "dog," you will want to remove that smell before having house guests. You may be used to the smell but guests will pick up on it as soon as they enter your home. Keeping your home free of dog odor isn't difficult and you can utilize some simple home remedies.

Things You'll Need

  • Dog shampoo
  • 2 tbsp. of vinegar
  • Dog brush
  • Dog toothbrush
  • Dog toothpaste
  • Fabric softener sheet
  • Baking soda
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      Give your dog a bath on a regular basis. This will keep strong odors from building up on your dog. Bathe your dog in lukewarm water and use a dog shampoo. Rinse the shampoo out with water and then give the dog a final rinse with a mixture of 2 tbsp. of vinegar to 1 quart of lukewarm water. Vinegar is a strong odor eliminator.

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      Groom your dog on a daily basis. Brushing your dog's fur each day will help eliminate loose hair and pieces of dirt that your dog may have rolled around in when playing outside.

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      Brush your dog's teeth each day with doggy toothpaste. It not only eliminates "doggie breath" but it also helps prevent other medical problems from developing.

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      Rub your dog's fur with a fabric softener sheet every time it comes in from playing outdoors.

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      Sprinkle baking soda on the carpets before you go to bed at night. Your dog lies on the floor and the carpeting may have picked up the odor. Baking soda is a strong odor eliminator. Vacuum up the baking soda the next morning.