How to Groom a Dog Using Clippers

Grooming your own dog can be rewarding and save you money. Using clippers to cut the dog's fur is a simple way to give them a new look. Many dog breeds need to be groomed regularly to keep fur from becoming tangled and eventually matted. Dog owners enjoy the easy maintenance of a dog with a clipped coat. A clipped haircut can also be helpful to keep a dog cool during the hot summer months.

Things You'll Need

  • Slicker brush
  • Dog shampoo
  • Hair dryer
  • Dog hair clippers with guards
  • Clipper cooling spray
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    • 1

      Use a slicker brush to thoroughly brush the dog and remove any knots from the fur. This will allow the clippers to move easily through the hair.

    • 2

      Bathe the dog to remove any dirt or debris from the coat. Thoroughly dry the dog and brush the hair to remove any tangles that may have formed from its bath.

    • 3

      Choose the guard size you want to use and attach it to the clippers. The number on the guard will let you know the length of the hair that will be left on the dog.

    • 4

      Take the clippers and begin cutting the hair at the base of the neck, moving toward the tail. Keep the clippers flat against the skin for an even cut.

    • 5

      Cut alongside the previous cut from the neck toward the tail. Continue cutting the hair on the dog's back and sides until the coat is even.

    • 6

      Place the clippers at the shoulders pointing toward the dog's feet. Move the clippers in a downward motion to clip the hair on the leg. Repeat the steps until all of the hair on the leg is cut.

    • 7

      Clip the hair on the remaining front leg. Start at the hip area and move in a downward motion to trim the hair on the back legs.

    • 8

      Hold the dog up by holding its front legs in your hand. The dog should be standing on its back legs.

    • 9

      Trim the hair on the dog's stomach by clipping from the chest, along the stomach, toward the tail.

    • 10

      Lift the tail and trim the area around the anus. Be sure not to touch the anus with the clippers.

    • 11

      Trim the hair on the dog's head, being cautious of the dog's eyes. Trim the ears by placing the clippers at the top of them and moving toward the end.