Dog Massage Instructions

Massages are just as beneficial for animals as they are for humans. A dog massage involves the same techniques that are used on humans. You can massage most parts of the dog from head to toe except for the stomach. Some of the therapeutic benefits of giving your four-legged friend a massage include increased circulation, stress relief and a decrease in muscle pain from surgery or injuries. A massage also helps you bond with your dog.


    • 1

      Have your dog lie down on its stomach. The surface should firm and without any obstructions such as pillows or cushions. These objects may cause the dog to twist unexpectedly.

    • 2

      Start the massage with long, soft, slow strokes from the dog's head to its tail. Scratch behind the dog's ear for a minute and then begin to rub the dog's face in small circular strokes. Using light pressure, rub along the dog's cheeks and under the chin, over the nose and between its eyes.

    • 3

      Massage the dog's shoulders, neck and chest using long slow, strokes, giving the small folds of loose skin a gentle pinch. Massage each side of the dog's legs by stroking down the outside of the leg, then stroking up the inside of the leg.

    • 4

      Gently hold and squeeze each paw for a few seconds. This move is optional. Some dogs aren't comfortable with having their paws handled. End the massage by gently squeezing the tail from the base to the tip.