How to Remove Skunk Spray From Pets

Skunks emit a foul odor as a defense mechanism if agitated or frightened. Pets that like to chase or attack skunks are at an increased risk of being sprayed. If it's not removed from your pet in a quick manner, skunk spray or musk can seep into and irritate your pet's eyes and skin. Learning how to properly remove skunk spray from your pet is a must if you want to keep your pet, home and yard from smelling like a skunk.

Things You'll Need

  • Leash
  • Hydrogen peroxide
  • Baking soda
  • Liquid detergent
  • Bowl
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      Place your dog on a secure leash and designate an area outdoors to clean your pet. Bathing your pet outdoors will prevent the skunk smell from invading and contaminating your home.

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      Place one quart of 3 percent hydrogen peroxide, one-fourth cup of baking soda and one teaspoon of liquid detergent into a sturdy bowl. Mix the solution together thoroughly. According to the NC State University Cooperative Extension, this particular recipe will only wash a small dog the size of a Jack Russell terrier, so you’ll need to make multiple batches of the mixture for bigger pets (see reference 1).

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      Scrub the mixture onto your pet immediately. Allow the mixture to sit or soak into your pet's fur and skin for at least five minutes. According to the NC State University Cooperative Extension, the hydrogen peroxide mixture must be used immediately after mixing because it will not work if it is stored for any length of time (see reference 1).

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      Thoroughly rinse your pet with water until the hydrogen peroxide mixture is completely removed from your pet.

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      Repeatedly clean or bathe your pet with the hydrogen peroxide mixture until the skunk spray odor is removed from your pet.