How to Eliminate Dog Odor

All dog owners have to deal with the presence of dog odor from time to time. Ear infections, skin infections, and odor from the anal glands all contribute to dog odor. The best way to eliminate dog odor is to practice good dog grooming habits.

Things You'll Need

  • Dog shampoo
  • Apple cider vinegar
  • Cotton balls
  • Dog toothpaste
  • Toothbrush
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      Wash your dog using warm water and dog shampoo. Scrub your dog thoroughly, making sure to reach areas such as the belly and the feet. If your dog is known to have skin problems, rinse him with 1 part apple cider vinegar to 3 parts water. This vinegar rinse helps eliminate odors and will leave his coat soft and shiny.

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      Use a clean towel to dry your dog thoroughly. A damp dog is a haven for bacteria growth, which can also contribute to bad odor.

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      Wipe the inside of your dog’s ears with a cotton ball dipped into a mixture of equal parts apple cider vinegar and water. A dog with an ear infection emanates a foul odor and apple cider vinegar aids in controlling the bacteria growth and other microorganisms that commonly cause ear infections.

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      Use toothpaste made specifically for dogs to brush your dog’s teeth. A regular toothbrush works well; add doggie toothpaste to the toothbrush and brush in a circular motion. Bad breath contributes to unpleasant smells. Proper oral hygiene helps to eliminate dog odor.