Natural Tear Stain Remover for Dogs

Many different breeds of dogs show tear stains on the fur surrounding their eyes. Dog owners, especially those who plan to show their dog in dog shows, look for ways to remove these stains which mar the dog's physical appearance. You should, first and foremost, try to determine the reason that the tear stains exist. Some removal techniques involve little more than trimming the fur around the dog's eyes to reduce eye irritation. When you look for a stain remover, consider natural removers first.
  1. Tear Staining

    • Tear staining occurs when a dog's eyes tear, leaving stains on the fur surrounding the eyes. When the dog tears, the hair which surrounds her the eyes becomes damp. Yeast and bacteria settle in the moist hair, turning the area red and staining the fur.


    • Tear staining has several causes, including eye irritations (usually from the hair of long-haired breeds rubbing into the dog's eyes and irritating them), blocked tear ducts, the dog's genetic pre-disposition to tearing, ear infections and the dog's health and diet.

    Veterinary Assistance for a Dog with Tear Stains

    • Before removing the tear stains, consult with a veterinarian to determine the causes of the tearing and possible long-term solutions to prevent the problem from reoccurring. A veterinarian might begin to address the problem by clipping the dog's hair that surrounds his eyes to remove the irritant. If the veterinarian feels that bacteria or yeast has developed that causes the tearing, she may prescribe medication to treat the yeast or bacterial infection. A veterinary eye specialist may suggest surgery to correct the dog's eye structure as the cure for the tearing.

    Natural Tear Stain Removers

    • Rub boric acid powder into the stain daily. Do not brush it out.
      Mix equal parts of boric acid and green lemon juice. Brush this solution on the stains and leave to sit overnight. Brush out the next morning. Repeat if necessary.
      Boil one cup of water and put one teaspoon of boric acid in. Use a cotton ball and rub into the dog's stained hair after the solution cools. Repeat as necessary.
      Mix equal parts of peroxide and milk of magnesia together and add corn starch to make a paste. Rub the paste into the dog's hair and let it sit for four hours. Wash the paste out and condition the dog's hair well to keep it soft.
      Mix two teaspoons of corn flour with a few drops of boiling water and add one drop of plain bleach. Apply to the tear stain area. Wipe if off after one hour. Follow with a thin layer of peroxide which air dries. Repeat every other day for two weeks.
      Mix equal parts lemon juice and baking soda. Make a paste and work into the dog's hair. Leave the paste for 10 minutes and wash and rinse the paste out. Rinse thoroughly and condition the dog's hair.

    Diet Supplements to Reduce Tearing

    • Place a teaspoon of white cider vinegar into the dog's drinking water to control tear stains. Increase the calcium content of the dog's intake by feeding her Tums. Feed the dog green beans with his food. Add vitamin C, vitamin B3, Omega 3 fatty acid and zinc supplements to the dog's food.

    Other Natural Treatments For Tear Staining

    • Trim any hair that gets into the dog's eyes to keep the eyes free of stray hairs. Carefully dry the dog's ears after a bath to prevent moisture from building up in the ears and causing an ear infection. Eliminate irritants and possible allergy-causing elements from the dog's environment if you suspect that an allergy is causing the tearing. Feed the dog a high quality dry kibble that does not contain additives, preservatives or food color.