Professional Dog Grooming Tools

Pet groomers have several professional tools they use to make their job more efficient. Using the correct tools makes grooming safer and quicker for both the groomer and dog. And a groomed dog keeps him happy and healthy. Pet groomers also help prevent infections and recognize skin disease and irritations in dogs.
  1. Shampoo

    • Cleaning the coat of a dog is important in the grooming process. Using a shampoo with the correct pH balance for a dog is essential. It is recommended that a dog be washed only about once a month to avoid washing away essential oils that keep the coat healthy.

    Comb and Brush

    • Groomers use a fine-toothed comb to remove fleas and other debris from a dog's coat. If he has a long coat, such as that of a Australian shepherd, the groomer will use a shedding comb to help remove excess hair. A brush finishes the coat by removing large tangles.


    • An industrial grade of clippers is important for a groomer to posses. Clippers are frequently used by groomer to remove hair from dogs such as poodles. Since many dog coats can be thick and coarse, using clippers other than those designed specifically for pet grooming is not recommended.


    • Using scissors or shears for grooming is standard practice. Scissors finish the grooming process by trimming areas of the dog's coat that require a small amount of hair removal. They should be sharp and a professional grade to last longer.

    Nail Trimmers

    • A dog's nails grow just like humans. To ensure a pet is not injured from a nail that breaks or grows under, it is important for a groomer to trim his nails. A nail trimmer consists of a cutting blade and a handle for gripping easily.