How to Kill Fleas on Italian Greyhounds

Italian greyhounds (and most dogs in general) are susceptible to fleas if they are often outside, roaming through the brush or rubbing around on the ground. Greyhounds are less likely than other breeds to bring fleas into the house due to their short fur; however, it is still possible for them to acquire the pests. If you notice fleas on your pet Italian greyhound, you need to take action immediately, otherwise you risk allowing the fleas to reproduce and multiply.


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      Bathe your dog with a flea shampoo. These shampoos are specially designed to kill flea eggs, preventing additional fleas from hatching. Pay special attention around the ears and tail area.

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      Rewash your dog with the flea shampoo a few days later. It is possible all of the fleas and eggs did not die during the initial bath period.

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      Apply a flea collar around your dog's neck. This is worn just like a normal collar, however it produces a chemical that kills off fleas and prevents them from hitching a ride on your Italian greyhound.

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      Spray your dog with flea growth regulators. This product, used weekly, kills off fleas and prevents them from coming back.