Cures for a Stinky Dog

Dog owners know that there is nothing quite like the smell of a stinky dog. Much like a human's, a dog's stink can usually be eliminated. Different dog odors require different approaches, but they are all quite simple and will remedy the situation quickly. Soon you and the rest of the family will be able to breathe easier.
  1. Warm Soapy Bath

    • Sometimes a dog is just dirty. Whether he's been rolling in the mud, been rooting around a dead animal he finds in the woods or been sick with diarrhea and has residue on his hind end, sometimes the best solution is simply a warm, soapy bath with a store-bought dog shampoo.

    Hand Cream and Mouthwash

    • If your dog has just a slight unpleasant odor, she may just need a touch-up with this homemade solution. Mix one part water, one part hand cream with lanolin and one part antiseptic mouthwash in a spray bottle and shake it vigorously. Spray the mixture on your dog and use your hands to rub it into her fur and skin. The mouthwash is anti-bacterial and removes some of the odor, while the lanolin shines her fur and softens her skin. This quick fix works on cats, too.

    Liquid Chlorophyll

    • Liquid chlorophyll can help eliminate natural dog odors from the inside out, according to the website The Big Dog Boutique. Place 1 tbsp. of liquid chlorophyll in your dog's drinking water bowl each day. It aids in digestion and neutralizes the odors of what comes from inside the dog, including breath, urine and feces. Liquid chlorophyll is available from many online retailers or from your local health food store, as it has human benefits as well.

    Skunk Smell Remedies

    • The skunk-sprayed dog is among the stinkiest animals around. Tomato juice is rumored to get rid of skunk smell on a dog, but according to Indiana University's Sound Medicine website, it doesn't work very well. A process called olfactory fatigue blocks the smell of the skunk from the smell receptors in the nose and instead fixates on the new, strong smell of the tomato juice. Eventually the skunk smell returns and the only way to fix it is to make the dog smell like tomato juice again.

      Instead, mix a quarter cup of baking soda in a quart of hydrogen peroxide and add 1 tbsp. of dishwashing liquid. Wash your dog with this solution to change the chemical composition of the skunk spray and eliminate the odor. Rinse the dog with clean water and notice an immediate difference in the smell.