Dog Dandruff Treatment Options

Dogs can develop a number of grooming and health problems, one of which is dandruff. Dandruff is little more than dry skin that flakes off and falls into a dog's coat. To fix your dog's dandruff it's best to find out what the core cause of the condition is and to concentrate on that.
  1. Diet

    • One of the causes of dandruff in dogs is a relatively poor diet. Bad diet can cause a dog's skin to dry out, and as the skin dries out it becomes flaky and itchy. The dog scratches the skin, and the dry skin flakes into the coat as well as onto the surrounding area. This is the easiest type of dog dandruff to cure. All you have to do is change the dog's diet. Make sure the dog gets a more balanced diet, and consult with your vet to find out the best diet for the type of dog you have.


    • Another way to help cure dog dandruff is to keep the dog clean and washed. A proper shampooing will help to keep a dog's fur clean of dandruff, and wash away flakes before they fall. Additionally, dog owners can buy shampoo that's specially formulated to help prevent and repair a dog's acne. These shampoos tend to be made with things like oatmeal and zinc, which can help moisturize the dog's skin and get necessary vitamins directly into the skin. This works best if combined with proper nutrition in a dog's diet.


    • Oftentimes dandruff in dogs can be caused by parasites such as ticks, fleas, or intestinal worms. These parasites can siphon off important nutrients and vitamins that help keep a dog's coat shiny and its skin moist. Dandruff can be a sign that your dog has parasites. It's best to take your dog to the vet if you think that parasites might be a contributing to the dandruff because the vet may be able to prescribe a treatment other than what you would buy over the counter.