How to Groom a Goldendoodle

Goldendoodles are fairly easy dogs to groom, but they do need regular upkeep. Because goldendoodles are mixed-breed dogs, you can't predict what kind of coat they will have. Whether it's more like a poodle or more like a golden retriever will determine what approach you take to groom your 'doodle. Because it is not a pure breed, there is no standard for grooming and clipping, so you have choices in grooming styles.

Things You'll Need

  • Slicker brush
  • Mild moisturizing dog shampoo
  • Electric clippers
  • Unpointed grooming scissors
  • Toenail clippers
  • Washcloth
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      Brush your goldendoodle daily with the slicker brush. Even if you plan to have a groomer take care of your goldendoodle's coat and toenails, he will need to be brushed regularly because he can get tangles and knots in his coat, and regular brushing will help distribute these oils through his coat for a healthy, natural shine.

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      Bathe your dog at least once a month with a quality moisturizing shampoo formulated for dogs.

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      Clip unruly hair once a month with an electric clipper. Trim the hair on her torso to about 1 inch, leaving the legs and face longer. Use unpointed grooming scissors to trim the feathering on her legs and above her eyes.

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      Trim the hair over his eyes and around his "sanitary areas" so he stays clean. Use unpointed scissors to blend these areas to the rest of the coat length. Keep his bangs trimmed to just above his eyes so he can see properly and to keep hair from getting into and irritating his eyes.

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      Trim her toenails about once a month using toenail clippers designed specifically for dogs, being careful to avoid the quick.

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      Clean his ears regularly with a clean washcloth wrapped around your finger and plain water, a mixture of water and vinegar or a commercial ear-cleaning solution. If your 'doodle has a lot of hair growing insider his ears, trim that to help his ears stay clean and dry.