About Blow Dryers for Dogs

Blow dryers for Dogs are more expensive than the average human hair dryer, usually costing upwards of $100, but if properly maintained they can last for many years. Blow dryers for dogs are more powerful than those for humans and can come with stands. If your dog's coat is long or thick, and takes a long time to try, a stand is advisable. For the health and safety of your dog make sure any dryer you buy blows only cool to warm air, never hot.
  1. Function

    • Dog blow dryers are useful tools for owners who groom their own dogs. Dryers make a dog's coat look better and fluffier than if left to air dry. Dog owners who live in colder climates can also use dryers to prevent their dog from getting sick by being left to air dry in the cold. Some breeds, like Old English Sheep dogs, need to be blown dry because if they aren't dried thoroughly their fur can get matted or even moldy.


    • According to the Partnership for Animal Rescue, dog blow dryers are better suited to dog fur than human hair dryers. Dog blow dryers cut drying time substantially, even if you are already using a human dryer. A dryer with a stand can make drying your a dog a hands-free process for you. You might prefer this since the coats of some breeds can take hours to dry completely.


    • Squeeze excess water from your dog's fur after a bath with your hands then wrap your dog in a towel and rub him dry. According to the Partnership for Animal Rescue, you should blot instead of rub if your dog has long hair to avoid knotting the fur. Finish drying your dog with your blow dryer but remember never to aim the dryer directly at his face, and don't let your dog outside in cold weather until he is completely dry.

    Human vs. Dog Blow Dryers

    • If you don't want to spend the money on a dog blow dryer you can use your hand-held human hair dryer if youit has a cool air setting, but the noise made by human hair dryers tends to agitate dogs. If you have a dog with a thin coat or a small toy breed that only takes 10 or 20 minutes to blow dry with a human hair dryer, it might not be worth it to buy a dog blow dryer.


    • Never use very warm or hot air, it can give your dog split ends, dry out her skin and even burn. Dogs can die from over-heating much more easily than humans, so test the dryer's air temperature before aiming it at your dog and check on her every 10 to 15 minutes, especially if you are using an automated dryer that hangs from the front of a crate or on a stand.