Home Remedies for Killing Fleas on Dogs and the Floor

Every dog and dog owner experiences the dreaded flea infestation at some point. Fleas take over and infest your dogs, your home, occasionally your body and even your yard. You can prevent these pesky parasites by purchasing chemical-laden pesticides for your home and pets. Another option is to use home remedies to treat those fleas, which can be safer and is less expensive than using commercial flea control products.
  1. Grooming

    • Give your dog a bath in warm water using shampoo or mild soap. After drying the dog (you can use a towel or a hair dryer--the heat from a hair dryer dries dogs quickly and makes fleas uncomfortable), use a flea comb to remove any remaining fleas from the dog's coat. Dump the fleas into a cup of soapy water and then pour them down the drain or flush them down the toilet.

    Homemade Flea Spray

    • You can use this spray anytime, but make sure to apply some after bathing your dog to prevent fleas from reinfesting the animal. Combine 2 1/2 cups warm water, and two drops each of lavender and cedar wood essential oil in a spray bottle. Avoid getting this mixture into your dog's eyes or on your dog's nose (it may irritate those sensitive areas), and make sure to reapply it often for maximum effectiveness.

    Boric Acid

    • Boric acid is a powder with many uses in household cleaning. It's also an effective flea killer. Simply sprinkle it around the house on your carpet or hard flooring. The powder dries up the flea's body and kills it, so you can vacuum up the residue. Be sure to reapply after vacuuming to prevent further flea infestations.

    Flea Traps

    • Prepare a pan of soapy water and place it on the floor. Stick a desk lamp (or any type of lamp) next to the pan so that the light falls over the water. Fleas are attracted to the heat from the lamp and jump toward it, only to land in the soapy water where they drown. Empty the pan each day, and then set it back up until your flea problem subsides.


    • Regularly running the vacuum is good for eliminating dust, extending the life of your carpet and preventing allergies. Running the vacuum daily sucks up fleas and helps clear up a flea infestation more quickly. Drop a cotton ball with lavender oil into the vacuum cleaner canister, it makes your house smell nice while you vacuum and kills any fleas in the canister. Be sure to empty the canister after each and every use to prevent the fleas from infesting the vacuum cleaner and re-distributing throughout your home next time you use it.

    Hot Water

    • Wash your dog's bedding in the hottest water you can. Do the same for any bath towels you use on the dog. Hot water kills fleas immediately, so it's a quick and effective treatment.