How to Keep a Dog From Smelling in Between Baths

Dogs provide great companionship, but they also can be the source of unpleasant odors. Dogs should only be bathed once every three months, according to the American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (ASPCA). Unfortunately, dogs usually smell before they're due for another bath. Here are some ways to keep your dog smelling fresh in the meantime.

Things You'll Need

  • Natural, unprocessed foods
  • Dog toothbrush
  • Dog toothpaste
  • Dog bones
  • Fur brush
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  1. Healthy dogs smell fresh

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      Feed your dog natural foods high in nutrients. Highly processed foods can contribute to digestive problems and skin allergies. This contributes to odor.

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      Clean your dog's teeth. To relax you dog before the procedure, speak in soothing voice while applying dog toothpaste to the toothbrush. Gently scrub the outside of the dog's teeth. Repeat once per week.

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      Your dog's odor may come from her mouth. Bacteria can build up in the mouth and cause bad breath, according to the ASPCA. Give your dog a hard chew toy to help her clean her teeth and keep odor away.

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      Hold the fur back with one hand and draw a stiff brush over the fur close to the skin. Release the fur. Brush firmly in this manner until all tangles are gone. Repeat over the dog's body.

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      You can buy deodorant sprays to mask the odor on your dog. Find a safe and effective spray at your local pet store and apply to dog as needed. Be sure to use spray that is especially formulated for pets.