Is it OK to Give Milk to a Puppy?

In some events, it is OK to feed puppies cow's milk; but only in an emergency. If at all possible, owners should keep specially formulated puppy milk available for such an emergency. Understanding the nutritional needs of puppies is important for any owner or potential breeder.
  1. Significance

    • Cow's milk contains a sugar lactose that dogs of all ages are unable to properly digest. This is because canines do not produce the appropriate enzymes that are necessary for digestion of the sugar lactose.


    • In puppies and adult dogs, side effects of consuming cow's milk include diarrhea, indigestion and soft stool.

    Emergency Puppy Milk Replacement

    • Cow's milk is only an acceptable replacement in an emergency and only when it is combined with other ingredients such as egg yolks, corn oil, salt and liquid vitamins. However, the recipe should be followed exactly to prevent biotin deficiencies caused by egg whites.


    • Colostrum is only produced during the first 24 hours following birth. It contains antibodies, electrolytes, nutrients and vitamins that are vital for protecting puppies from illness during the first few weeks of life.


    • During the first 2 to 3 days, high quality puppy milk replacement should be fed every two hours. On days 4 through 7, feeding should occur every 3 hours during the day and every 4 hours at night.