What to Use to Neutralize Skunk Spray on Dogs?

Dogs, especially those who are friendly, often approach skunks out of curiosity and end up being sprayed. Skunk spray is an extremely unpleasant smell, so neutralizing the smell on your dog after he has been sprayed is vital if you want to be able to breathe easily. A few home remedies will neutralize the skunk smell and save your nostrils from what can seem like weeks of agony.
  1. Hydrogen Peroxide Mixture

    • Mix together one quart of hydrogen peroxide, a quarter cup of baking soda and a teaspoon of liquid detergent. Use the mixture immediately to bathe your dog. Allow the mixture to sit for five minutes in order for it to work, then rinse your dog with water. The skunk smell will be fainter, but you may have to repeat this process several times depending on how badly your dog has been sprayed. Never put this mixture into a closed container or spray bottle, or you will risk explosion.

    Salt Solution

    • Mix hot water with rock salt, liquid dish soap and baking soda and allow to sit in order for the ingredients to meld together. Apply to a dry dog and leave it for about ten minutes, then rinse well. It is important not to wet the dog before applying this homemade remedy, or it will not be effective in neutralizing the skunk spray odor.

    Skunk Odor Remover

    • Search your local pet store for a pet odor remover specifically designed to neutralize the smell of skunk spray on your dog. Spray your dog with the specialized odor remover and work it into her fur with your fingers, being sure it reaches her skin. These products claim to remove skunk odor in minutes, but may need to be used more than once to treat the smell if your dog was sprayed up close.

    Professional Bathing

    • Take your dog to your nearest groomer's or vet for a professional skunk neutralizing bath. Vets can give dogs "prescription-strength" baths in order to neutralize the skunk odor lingering in the dog's fur.

    Tomato Juice

    • Many people are under the impression that tomato juice is a good remedy for neutralizing skunk spray smells on their dogs. This is a myth; the reason this method appears to work for a short time is due to a phenomenon known as "olfactory fatigue". Basically, the human nose has smelled the skunk smell for so long that it will stop smelling it when another strong smell, such as tomato juice, comes along. Bathing your dog in tomato juice will make the skunk smell appear to be neutralized for a short while, but eventually the odor will return.