Why Do Fleas Like My Dog's Feet?

Finding fleas on your dog and, in particular, on your dog's feet and between the toes is certainly a concern. They make your dog miserable and make you wonder why. Learn more about the pests and what you can do when fleas gather around your dog's feet.
  1. Significance

    • Fleas inhabit areas of warmth, including folds of skin such as under the dog's legs, around the groin and in between the toes.


    • Fleas are widespread and are a problem everywhere except in high altitudes, and regions that are very cold or very dry.


    • Signs of flea infestation on the feet may signal a greater flea problem on the dog. Look for signs such as fleas and black flea feces that look like dirt but turn red when wet on areas around your dog's genitals and beneath the tail.


    • Fleas can do more than just make your dog miserable because of itchy feet. They carry a host of diseases, including typhus and bubonic plague and can cause flea allergy dermatitis, where your dog has a terrible allergic reactions to the flea bites.


    • Your veterinarian can prescribe one of a number of good spot-on systemics that works by killing fleas and breaking the life cycle of the flea so it never has a chance to lay eggs.