How to Trim & Groom a Sheltie

Shetland Sheepdogs, or Shelties, can be identified by their long, silky coat and long, pointy snout. These beautiful dogs have two layers of hair̵2;a rough undercoat and an overcoat that poufs out. The multiple layers make grooming a Sheltie quite a task, but if you learn how, you will save lots of money. If your Sheltie lives indoors, learning how to properly groom your dog will keep you from hours of vacuuming all the hair that sheds. Because the Sheltie's long hair is one of this dog's main appeals, you don't need to cut off much.

Things You'll Need

  • Razor comb
  • Brush
  • Spray bottle with water
  • Toenail trimmer
  • Shampoo for dogs
  • Conditioner for dogs
  • Towels
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      Trim the hair around the face, neck, paws and rectum. Shelties often grow bushy manes that become more annoying than charming. Using short brush strokes, first trim the hair on the neck until it is a desirable length, then do the same around the ears and eyes. A razor comb trims effectively without giving your dog that new haircut look. Trimming around the feet and rectum prevents matting.

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      Brush your Sheltie with a dog brush. This will eliminate matted hair as much as possible before proceeding with the grooming. Your Sheltie's fur should always be damp when being brushed, so keep a spray water bottle handy.

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      Clip your dog's toenails. Do this by placing your Sheltie on a table in spread sitting position and standing to the side. Place some of your weight on the animal to prevent him from standing up during the process. Clip each toenail with the trimmer, making sure not to clip too short. It often helps to talk softly to your animal while doing this.

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      Bathe your Sheltie, using warm water, shampoo and conditioner. Lather and gently work into the depths of the animal's fur. Remember to get her belly, rectal area and underparts. These are the parts that are difficult to reach and get easily matted if not properly cleaned. Once the animal is shampooed and conditioned, rinse thoroughly for several minutes. Not rinsing well could cause much discomfort for your Sheltie.

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      Towel dry the animal, then brush out matted areas. Spend at least 10 to 15 minutes properly brushing your Sheltie, as the hair needs to be untangled and completely free of mats.

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      Blow dry your Sheltie gently. Make sure the Sheltie is completely dry because these dogs are easily chilled and the hair can get matted more easily if not dry.