Why Dogs Shed Their Coats

A dog that is shedding its coat can be quite a nuisance, but it is also a necessity for most breeds. Depending on the breed of dog, some can shed a lot, while others like the American Hairless Terrier won't shed a bit.
  1. Natural Causes

    • There are two natural reasons for why dogs shed their coat. For one, dogs shed their coat in order to make room for a new coat in much the same way that snakes shed their skin. Dogs also shed their coat as warmer weather approaches to help them adapt and stay cool.

    Unnatural Causes

    • Shedding can also be caused by unnatural causes such as stress. Other reasons for shedding include cancer and ringworm. It is best to have your dog checked regularly for any ailments if it begins shedding more than usual.

    Time Frame

    • Many heavy shedders will shed their coat during certain seasons of the year. During the spring, dogs will shed their heavy winter coat, with a lighter replacement. However, if you have an indoor dog, the body may not register the time of year and shedding may occur at various times throughout the year.


    • If shedding is a major factor in purchasing your next dog, consider getting a dog that sheds much slower and requires grooming. A majority of dog breeds, such as such as Shih-Tzus and Yorkshire Terriers, are considered "very light shedders" and need constant brushing, clipping and scissoring.


    • The best way to prevent your house from being covered in hair is by grooming your dog. Brushing your dog daily will help move the natural hair loss process along much quicker.