What Are the Dangers of Biospot?

As a pet owner, it is easy to want to do everything in your control to make sure that your four-legged friend is happy, healthy and safe. Flea control is one of the most important aspects of proper pet care, as fleas can bring disease and discomfort to your pet and your family. Bio Spot is a brand of flea treatment designed to be applied topically to pets as a means of ridding them of and preventing fleas. Unfortunately, Bio Spot doesn't come without its dangers.
  1. Bio Spot Poses Dangers to Cats

    • Bio Spot is not made to be ingested. There are many flea treatments on the market that come in the form of a pill or tablet, but Bio Spot is designed to be applied topically. Cats are natural groomers, and in grooming themselves they run the risk of ingesting Bio Spot and becoming poisoned. As the Farnam Pet website states, "Unlike dogs, cats do not tolerate high concentrations of permethrin."

      As a matter of fact, Duke University studies have shown that permethrin can cause brain damage when used in rats. Since you can't stop a cat from licking and grooming himself, Bio Spot is not approved for use in cats.

    Bio Spot Causes Illness in Some Dogs

    • While some dogs tolerate Bio Spot well, others do not. BioSpotVictims.org tells the story of one family's dog who suffered four grand mal seizures after the product was applied between his shoulder blades. As the Farnam Pet website states, "Nearly all dogs tolerate Bio Spot for Dogs well," but not every dog.

    Symptoms of an Adverse Reaction

    • Those who have applied Bio Spot to their dogs or plan to apply it are encouraged to pay close attention to the warning signs. Lack of appetite, excessive drooling, lethargy, increased excitability, high temperature, vomiting and diarrhea. If your dog exhibits any of these symptoms or otherwise strange behavior, call your veterinarian immediately and rinse your dog with warm water and a mild soap.