How to Ascertain the Age of Dogs Using Their Teeth

Just like human babies, baby dogs mouth and chew on objects as their teeth begin erupting above the gum line. Puppy owners who watch for emerging teeth at certain stages of growth learn what to expect of those chewing behaviors and can establish the true age of their dogs. A fairly easy and precise exercise in young dogs, this determination becomes more and more difficult as the animal matures if the teeth are broken, misaligned or covered in plaque and tartar. Establishing the precise age of an adult dog using its teeth is an inexact science.


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      Watch for puppy teeth to begin emerging at 2 to 3 weeks of age. The incisors (the front teeth) come first, followed in days by the canines and pre-molars.

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      Look for the incisors to begin falling out at 3 months, with adult incisors emerging behind them.

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      Check for adult canines and pre-molars to start showing around 4 months of age.

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      Confirm that your dog̵7;s molars are emerging when he is between 6 and 7 months old.

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      Verify that your pet has a full set of 42 adult teeth by 8 months of age.