How to Make My Dog Clippers Cut Better

For a perfect dog groom, clippers should be of quality workmanship and in good working order. Professional dog groomers and pet owners who groom their dogs can get the best performance out of their clippers by keeping blades sharp and clean and the rest of the unit free of fur. Dirty and fur-clogged clippers make grooming slow and tedious and produce an uneven cut. Simple upkeep is the key to making dog clippers work their best.

Things You'll Need

  • Clipper blade wash
  • Small jar or container
  • Paper towel or soft cloth
  • Clipper oil
  • Blow dryer or forced air blower
  • Replacement blade drive
  • Replacement tension spring
  • Replacement carbon brushes and springs
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  1. Cleaning Blades

    • 1

      Pour clipper blade wash into a small jar or container to a depth of 1 inch.

    • 2

      Lower the clipper blade into the blade wash to the top edge of the moving part of the blade with the clippers running. Hold in position for 30 to 45 seconds.

    • 3

      Remove the blade from the blade wash. Turn off the dog clippers, and remove the blade.

    • 4

      Dry the surface of the blade with a paper towel or soft cloth.

    • 5

      Apply clipper oil to all mating surfaces of the blade.

    Removing Fur

    • 6

      Remove the blade from the clippers.

    • 7

      Force air into the top of the dog clippers with a forced air blower or blow dryer to remove loose fur from beneath the blade.

    • 8

      Unplug the clippers, and remove the end cap from the bottom.

    • 9

      Remove any fur from inside the end cap and the bottom of the clippers with the forced air blower.

    Replacing Parts

    • 10

      Replace the blade drive often. If your blades are clean and sharp and the clippers are not cutting their best, it's time to replace the blade drive.

    • 11

      Replace the tension spring if the blades are not being held tightly.

    • 12

      Replace the carbon brushes and springs when the carbon brushes are about a quarter-inch long.