How to Get Rid of the Skunk Smell With Homemade Products

Skunks are renown for the unforgettable smell of their spray, and curious pets, especially dogs, are often victims. There are commercial products designed specifically for removing the skunk smell but these may not be handy, particularly when a pet has been sprayed. Also, some victims of a skunk spraying may not wish to use these products. You can make homemade skunk smell remover products with household items such as vinegar, tomato juice, baking soda and dish-washing soap. These homemade products are useful for pets, people and household items.

Things You'll Need

  • Vinegar
  • Tomato juice
  • 3% hydrogen peroxide
  • Baking soda
  • Liquid dish-washing soap
  • Peppermint mouthwash
  • Snowy bleach
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      Mix 1 part vinegar with 10 parts water. Apply this to the affected spot on the skin or furniture and let it air dry. As authors Joan and Lydia Wilen say in ̶0;Folk Remedies that Work,̶1; the smell will return if you rinse off the solution. If the remedy is for your pet, bathe your pet in the mixture and wait for it to air dry. Repeat the application as often as necessary until the smell is gone.

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      Apply tomato juice to the affected area and let it dry, or use tomato juice to bathe your pet, repeating as often as necessary. There is some speculation as to how useful this treatment is but there are many who proclaim its effectiveness.

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      Wash your pet in a hydrogen peroxide mixture. In ̶0;The Illustrated Veterinary Guide,̶1; Chris C. Pinney recommends a mixture of 1 quart 3% hydrogen peroxide, ¼ cup baking soda and 1 tsp. mild liquid dish-washing soap. Apply the mixture generously then rinse it off thoroughly. You can also use this remedy on your skin or on household items.

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      Rub your pet down with a cloth soaked in peppermint mouthwash then bathe your pet as normal and rinse him thoroughly. You can also use white vinegar instead of the mouthwash.

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      Mix 1 gallon of warm water with 1 cup of Snowy bleach and 3 tbsp. of liquid detergent. Rub into the coat of the animal and rinse quickly with a generous amount of water.