How to Use a Pet Hair Magnet

Pets bring much joy and companionship, but the hair they leave behind can be less than desirable. Cats and dogs shed constantly, and that hair sticks to clothes, furniture and flooring. The Pet Hair Magnet is a great tool to remove pet hair and help you keep your pet-friendly home clean.

Things You'll Need

  • Pet Hair Magnet
  • Piece of fabric (furniture or clothing)
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    • 1

      Place the wide end of the Pet Hair Magnet's squeegee at the bottom of the item you are cleaning. If you are cleaning a sofa, for instance, place the wide end of the Pet Hair Magnet at the bottom of the sofa cushion.

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      Pull the Pet Hair Magnet up and over the item you are cleaning, pushing down slightly on the device as you are pulling it up the sofa cushion or other item. As you pull up on the Pet Hair Magnet, it will gather the pet hair and pull it off of the surface.

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      Move against the grain as you pull the Pet Hair Magnet up. The device is designed to attract pet hair, and it will continue to gather the hair as it goes.

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      Examine the Pet Hair Magnet after each pass on the furniture or fabric. Remove the accumulated pet hair from the device when it becomes caked with hair. Also remove the pet hair after you have finished with each piece of furniture or clothing.