Good Shampoo for a Scratching Dog

Dogs itch and scratch for a variety of reasons. Some of these reasons include parasites, allergies, dry skin, rashes and improper diet. If your dog suffers from itchy skin, it is a good idea to see your veterinarian about determining the cause and the best course of treatment. In order to relieve your dog̵7;s scratching, your veterinarian may recommend medication, nutritional supplements, change in diet and even special shampoos. Until you get to the veterinarian, a soothing shampoo may alleviate your dog̵7;s stressed skin.
  1. Sensitive Skin Shampoo

    • Oatmeal naturally pampers your dog̵6;s itchy skin. You can make up a simple, soothing oatmeal shampoo with inexpensive ingredients and tools you may already have in your kitchen. Grind 1 cup of plain instant oatmeal (make sure you use plain to avoid sticky fruit bits and use organic oatmeal if you are interested in avoiding added chemical ingredients) in a coffee grinder until it is a powder consistency. Once powdered, combine the oatmeal with 1 cup of water and stir. Bathe your dog in a tub with warm water (fill the tub enough to cover about half of the dog̵7;s body), working the oatmeal shampoo into his skin and coat. Massage and work the shampoo in for 20 minutes before rinsing thoroughly.

    Moisturizing Shampoo

    • A moisturizing shampoo may also relieve itching for your dog. This can also be made simply and inexpensively at home. Glycerin moisturizes your dog̵7;s skin, while white vinegar exfoliates dry skin and aids in removing it from your dog̵7;s body. Combine 1/3 cup glycerin, 1 cup lemon-scented liquid dish soap, 1 cup white vinegar and 1 qt. water. Mix the ingredients by shaking them in a tightly closed old shampoo bottle. Wash your dog using this shampoo, then rinse thoroughly and gently towel dry.

    Commercial Shampoos

    • If you decide to purchase a commercial shampoo instead of making your own, look for a shampoo with ingredients that may benefit your dog̵7;s skin. Some of these ingredients include oatmeal (colloidal oatmeal or oat grain), vitamin E, glycerin, aloe vera or jojoba, olive and sunflower oils. Soap-free shampoos help dry skin by not stripping the skin of natural oils that keep it moisturized. Specialized shampoos for dogs with dry skin can be purchased in pet stores, feed stores, veterinarian̵7;s offices, at the groomer, even online. Ask your veterinarian to recommend a shampoo that will help improve your dog̵7;s skin.