How to Get Rid of Ticks on a Dog

Need serious tick control for Dogs? Ticks can easily transmit diseases to any domestic animal in your area. Often feeding on your pets blood, they are the reason why your animal has anemia due to blood loss.


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      The most important thing to do in tick control for dogs is to stay away from the location itself. Ticks are known to reside in areas with tall grass and bushes. Don't let your dog go outside as often and if you can, try to trim the bushes and mow your lawn every other week. There are some products that you can use on your grass to kill a tick.

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      Dog Tick control always starts with regular check ups for your dog. Sit down with your furry friend and take a comb that you no longer need to part the dog's fur. Make sure you look inside and outside of the ears and along the eye area as that is a popular place where ticks will hide. When your finished, you can sterilize the comb or better yet, get a new one for your pup.

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      To remove dog ticks, get a pair of gloves for your hands so that way you don't contract Lyme disease from the ticks. When you see the tick in your dog, take tweezers or your hand to slowly pull the tick from your dog. Make sure not to rip the tick out or if you do so, the tick's head can get stuck inside your dog and cause an infection. With the tick still in your hand or tweezers, drop it in a small tin of alcohol. Take some disinfectant and blot the area the tick was at or where you see any bites. When removing dog ticks, always be very careful and work in a stealth mode and you should be home.

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      In determining the proper tick control for dogs, you should save the tick you just extracted. This might sound weird to you, but it is a good idea to save the ticks you find and put them in a bag. Label the bag with the date you found it. This will save evidence in case your dog gets any disease, you can bring the ticks to the vet for testing to find out what disease your dog got or any other information.