Home Remedy for Dogs With Skin Problems in the Winter

Many dogs suffer from skin problems year-round, but for some, the winter months are when they seem to suffer from skin problems the most. There are plenty of reasons a dog may suffer from winter skin problems. During the winter, people tend to bring their dogs indoors more, exposing the dog's skin to heat and dry air. Also, humidity is down in the winter, so your dog's skin dries out accordingly. Fortunately, there are a few home remedies that may help your dog's skin during the winter months.
  1. Administer Supplements

    • Supplements are helpful in improving overall skin health, and relief of itching, dryness, eczema and other canine skin problems. Some of the most popular supplements for canine skin health include herbal extracts of horsetail, dandelion, spirulina and fucus. These herbs not only improve skin conditions but promote overall and digestive health, as well. Look for skin tonics comprised of these herbal ingredients, as they may aid in clearing up the condition as well as preventing it from happening again in the future.

    Moisturizing Shampoo

    • If your dog suffers from dry winter skin, you may find it better to avoid bathing the dog altogether. However, dogs being dogs, sometimes a good bath is just unavoidable. To help his skin stay moisturized, try using a moisturizing shampoo. There is a wide array of moisturizing shampoos available in pet stores containing skin-friendly ingredients like oatmeal. Or you can whip up your own moisturizing dog shampoo with 1/3 cup glycerin, 1 cup lemon-scented liquid dish detergent, I cup vinegar and 1 quart of water. Mix the ingredients in an old shampoo bottle and shake well before using.

    Add Some Oil

    • Adding a complete oil to your dog's food each day is an excellent way to provide your dog with essential fatty acids, which will moisturize and improve the skin and coat from the inside out. This is a simple strategy to try, as all you need to do is add a complete oil such as corn oil, safflower oil, peanut or sunflower oil to your dog's food every time he eats. Administer 1 to 3 tsp. (depending on the dog's size) of your chosen oil to the dog's food at each meal. Be careful not to go overboard with the oil, though, as too much oil in the diet is fattening for your dog.