How to Buy the Best Electric Shaver for Dogs

Many Americans are saving money by extending the time between pet grooming visits or doing the grooming on their own.

If you have a dog that requires any amount of grooming, you know that a pair of ordinary scissors are not going to work and that you need a good pair of electric clippers or other wise known as an electric razor.


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      Shop for human razors as well as dog grooming tools. This may surprise you but they are very similar and you may save a few bucks buy buying an electric razor that moms would use on their kids.

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      If your dog has a lot of hair that needs to be cut, chances are that you are going to need an electric razor that has several attachments for cutting the length as well as the delicate areas around the eyes, genitals and paws.

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      Look for an electric razor that is plugged directly into an outlet. Battery operated razors will generally not have enough power to complete a medium sized dog. This type may work if you are looking for a razor for just the small areas such as around the eyes and genitals of the dog.

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      Be sure to get a trimmer that has a return policy. You may not like the electric razor you purchased and may like to exchange it for a better one.

      Helpful hint, be sure to clean out all of the hair before returning it. The sales person may be totally freaked out and refuse to accept your return based on that alone if they don't have a well written return policy.

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      Before using your new electric razor to groom your dog, be sure to read up on how to properly groom your dog so that you do not harm the dog. Your dog groomer will generally be happy to give you a few tips on maintenance if you ask at your next appointment.

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      Decide if a bikini razor is all you need. Some of these tiny electric razors are perfect for around the eyes and toes of small dogs. I have had excellent results with one of these small battery operated bikini shavers. This is especially helpful for those dog owners who are afraid of using scissors around the eyes.

      A bikini razor will not be helpful at all if you are looking to trim an entire dog of any size.