How to Apply Tear Mender Glue to a German Shepherd's Ear

Most German Shepherd puppies' ears will stand up during the first seven months of their lives, but sometimes their ears might need a little help and training. There are periods during a puppy's teething when the ears will raise and lower, so you have to wait until the a puppy is at least four and a half months old before you start training his ears to stand up.

Things You'll Need

  • Insulation pipe cover
  • Razor knife
  • Tape measure
  • Glue brush
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    • 1

      Hold your puppy's ears upright and measure them for an accurate length.

    • 2

      Cut pipe insulation tubing to the length and shape of your dog's ears. To get an accurate shape, you can trace your puppy's ears onto a piece of paper, then outline the stencil tracing onto the insulation before cutting.

    • 3

      Trim the pipe insulation piece so it is between one-quarter and one-half inch shorter than your puppy's ears.

    • 4

      Brush Tear Mender glue to the backside of the pipe insulation insert you've created. Allow the glue to dry for approximately one minute.

    • 5

      Hold the puppy's ear upright and press the mold into the inner ear. Smooth out the ear against the insert and hold it firmly in place for a few minutes as the glue dries.

    • 6

      Allow the glued insert to remain in the ear for one week, then remove it to see if the ear can stand upright on its own. If not, repeat the process.