How to Wrap Cropped Ears in Boxers

Boxers are a popular dog because in addition to being great family dogs and quick learners, they are an extremely attractive breed as well. One look which many associate with boxers is the appearance of pointed ears, created by supporting cut ears with rods so that they develop a natural tendency to stand erect. Getting your boxer's ears to sit up just right may take several wrappings, but the end result can be very pleasing.

Things You'll Need

  • Two backer rods, half-inch diameter
  • Medical tape
  • Bandage scissors
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    • 1

      Cut the rods to one inch longer than your boxer's ears.

    • 2

      Wrap the rod with tape until it is entirely wrapped, then twist the tape at the top, and wrap back so there is tape at the top of the rod with the sticky side out.

    • 3

      Gently insert the rod into the bottom of the bell of the ear and affix the top of the ear to the sticky tape at the top of the rod.

    • 4

      Wrap the ear around the rod and secure it in place with tape so the whole ear is wrapped.

    • 5

      Carefully clip excess rod from the top of the ear. Err on the side of cutting too little. Leaving extra rod will not harm your dog, whereas cutting too low and nicking their ear will.

    • 6

      Repeat for the second ear.

    • 7

      Keep the ears wrapped for five days.

    • 8

      Leave the ears unwrapped for one day before attempting a second wrap.