Things You'll Need
- 1/3 cup white or apple cider vinegar
- Warm water
- Bulb syringe
- Cotton balls
Cleaning Dog's Ears
Rub and play with your dog's ears frequently to get him used to having his ears touched. Some dogs are afraid of having their ears cleaned and may pull away and yelp. When petting the dog, gently lift up its ears and look into them, then let the ears down and rub. The dog will soon get used to having his ears touched.
Mix together 1/3 cup white or apple cider vinegar with 2/3 cup warm water. Vinegar is acidic and may sting. Using a mild solution will prevent pain or irritation.
Fill a bulb syringe or food baster with the warm vinegar/water solution. Gently squirt it into the dog's ears, allowing it to flow out. Don't try to get the solution further than halfway into the ear and don't hold the dog's head back while fluid is entering.
Massage the ear gently for about 60 seconds while the solution is inside it. It will probably sound squishy and the dog may try to shake the fluid out.
Clean the ear with a cotton ball. Again, do not attempt to enter the ear more than about halfway. Try to dry as much liquid as possible.