How to Apply Tear Mender Ear Glue to a Dog's Ear

Whether you want your dog's ears to tip or stand, Tear Mender ear glue is a safe and simple aide in achieving the results you want. Positioning of your dog's ears will depend on its breed and individual needs, but the application process for using Tear Mender ear glue is virtually the same. The glue is durable and waterproof, yet easy to remove when needed. The hardest part to applying Tear Mender ear glue will likely be getting your dog to sit still while you position its ears.

Things You'll Need

  • Hydrogen peroxide
  • Rubbing alcohol
  • Cotton ball
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    • 1

      Flush your dog's ear canal with hydrogen peroxide and let dry for 10 minutes.

    • 2

      Dip a cotton ball in rubbing alcohol and swab the outside and inside of the ear flap until it's clean.

    • 3

      Apply Tear Mender ear glue to the spot on your dog's head where you want to attach its ear flap. Next, apply the glue to the tip of the inside ear flap.

    • 4

      Position your dog's ear flap. Gently press the dog's ear flap to its head where you placed the glue and hold it there for at least 30 seconds. Repeat the steps with the other ear flap if desired.

    • 5

      Study the ear flap's position during the next few days and adjust the position if necessary.

    • 6

      Leave the glue in your dog's hair until the adhesive begins to loosen naturally from hair growth. You can then gently remove the ear tip from where it is glued to the head and peel off the dried glue. Or use a bandage-remover solution on the glued hair if you need to remove the glue right away.