Poodle Ear Cleaning

Keeping up with a regular routine of ear care is important for any dog, but especially for drop ear breeds like the poodle. These dogs have long ears that hang down, keeping the inside of the ear warm and much more moist than those dogs with erect ears. Ear infection, ear mites, ticks and foreign bodies -- like burrs and foxtails -- can become hidden in the deep, sometimes very hairy, underside of the ear.
  1. Your Veterinarian Is Your Partner

    • Regular veterinary visits should be an integral part of your poodle's health care, including an ear check. Your veterinarian will check for any problems you may overlook, and will be able to inspect deeper into the ear using an aural scope. The vet may demonstrate proper ear cleaning techniques, if you are inexperienced at this task. The vet may also suggest products for ear cleaning and can provide the proper treatment and medication for any issues found.

    Be Alert At Home

    • Inspect your poodle's ears at home by looking for any redness, foul odor, excessive wax buildup, foreign bodies or brown material. If you notice your poodle scratching its ears, behaving in a disoriented manner, or shaking its head constantly, the dog may have ear mites or even a foxtail in the ear.

    Ear Mite Check

    • If your suspect ear mites, wipe the poodle's inner ear with a cotton swab and run the swab across a black sheet of paper. The mites will appear as tiny, white specks. Ear mites can be removed with insecticidal ear drops that may be available at many pet stores, or contact your veterinarian for advice. Check any other pets you may have that are susceptible to ear mites, as they are easily transmitted.

    Ear Hair Removal

    • If your poodle has inner ear hair, plucking it monthly is the best way to keep the ear clean. For ease of removal and minimal pain for the dog, purchase an ear powder sold at most pet stores. The safest way to remove the hair is to place the dog on its side, then holding it still in order to avoid injuring the ear. Pull the hair out a few strands at a time with a clean hemostat. Hemostats are available through some pet stores and grooming supply companies.

    Cleaning The Ears

    • Using a mild ear cleaning solution, such as a mixture of 1 part white vinegar to 4 parts water, gently swab out the ear of your poodle with cotton balls until it is free of all dirt, wax and debris. Some people prefer to use an ear cleaner designed to pour into the outer ear canal, which seeps into the inner canal. Do not squirt the cleaner directly into the ear canal. Massage the ear when using this type of cleaner in order to spread it around. Swab the ears with cotton balls until completely clean.

      Make sure to completely dry the ears with a drying agent, which can be found at pet stores and grooming supply companies. If you do not have the time or ability to tackle them yourself, you may choose to hire a groomer to clean your poodle's ears, or conduct its other regular grooming needs.