Why Does My Dog Get Tear Stains?

Tear stains are a common problem for dogs with protruding eyes or with long or light-colored coats. Stains result from issues with the dog's anatomy, from environmental issues, allergies, or even from bacteria and yeast growing in the dog's coat. Many effective treatments exist for treating tear stains.
  1. Anatomical Causes

    • Dogs with prominent eyes might have eyelids that stretch too tightly across the eyeball, cutting off tear drainage. Other dogs might have inward turned eyelids (entropian) resulting in continuous tearing due to irritation from its eyelashes. Dogs might also have tear ducts that are too small, which become easily blocked preventing adequate drainage. Long coats might brush against the dog's eyeballs, causing irritation.

    Environmental Causes

    • Excess dust and other irritants in the environment might cause tearing.


    • According to PetDoc.com, allergies to food preservatives, artificial colors and flavors and wheat will cause tear stains. Some dogs are allergic to plastic dishes, as well.

    Bacteria and Yeast

    • The warm, damp areas that wrinkle and a pushed in muzzle are breeding grounds for bacteria and yeast. According to Bulldogsworld.com "Red Yeast" is the most common yeast to infect dogs, "associated with reddish-brown facial stains and which may emit a moderate to noticeably strong odor."


    • Adding antacid or white vinegar to the dog's diet might be helpful in preventing tear stains. However, daily cleansing of the area and, in dogs with long coats, tying hair back in a topknot, will reduce irritation for a small cost in time and effort.


    • Some simple treatments include changing the dog's dishes from plastic to metal or ceramic and use of an elimination diet to determine the root of a potential food allergy. Bleaching the area with a blend of Milk of Magnesia, cornstarch and peroxide or using a commercial preparation will reverse cosmetic damage. In cases of entropian or blocked tear ducts, surgery might become necessary to correct the issue.