Folliculitis is caused by hair follicle inflammation and occurs mainly on the chin. If left untreated, it can develop into furunculosis or blocked sebaceous glands. These glands are responsible for lubricating the skin. The condition may be due to poor hygiene or poor nutrition. Parasites love to hide in the Newfoundland's thick undercoat as well.
Keeping your dog's coat clean and brushed is a good first step in prevention of skin problems. Newfoundland dogs are droolers, and additional attention should be paid to keeping the muzzle area clean. Take extra care when washing the dog to rinse all of the shampoo away deep down next to the skin, so their skin does not become dry and itchy.
A visit to your local veterinarian's office will usually determine what type of skin condition your pet is suffering from. A skin scraping can be performed in the office, with results available within minutes.
Folliculitis can be treated with a special shampoo, ointments and/or antibiotics prescribed by your veterinarian. Skin parasites and dry skin should be diagnosed by your veterinarian and treated with products they specifically recommend for Newfoundlands.
The Newfoundland dog has naturally oily hair, and sheds severely about twice a year. Its drool can be very difficult to remove from furniture and walls. It is not suited for apartment living.
Skin Problems in Newfoundland Dogs
The Newfoundland is a large dog, usually weighing between 130 and 150 pounds. It is known for its heavy coat and gentle personality. The breed can be susceptible to skin problems such as folliculitis, furunculosis, dry itchy skin and parasites.