Tea tree oil has natural antibacterial properties. When used in shampoo, the mixture does not need the harsh chemicals that occur in synthetic mixtures as the tea tree oil does the job of cleaning. Usually, natural tea tree shampoo contains harmless sodium laurel sulfate, which provides the lather when bathing an animal. The lather and the natural tea tree ingredients react together to form a cleansing solution that does not rely on harmful chemicals.
For pets that suffer from itchy, dry skin, shampoo infused with tea tree oil may help. The natural oils will moisturize the skin, helping to soothe irritation and target dry patches, the source of the scratching. Often, shampoos marketed for this purpose will also contain oatmeal to further soothe sensitive skin. Allow the shampoo to sit on the pet for five to 10 minutes after cleansing, then rinse thoroughly.
Tea tree oil has a strong, herbal scent. When mixed with a shampoo, the product will pick up the odor and transfer it to your pet. This can be an effective deterrent against flees and other pests. The effects of the shampoo can wear off, however, so it is important to shampoo regularly, about every two weeks. Even with tea tree shampoo, pet owners should be careful not to shampoo too often to avoid irritating the skin.
Natural Shampoo Warning
Pet owners should read labels carefully when choosing a shampoo. Even products that claim to be "natural" and infused with tea tree oil may include a bevy of harsh, synthetic chemicals in addition to the "natural" ingredients. Look for shampoos whose ingredients are plant-based. A general rule of thumb is to only purchase a product whose ingredient list you can pronounce. The shampoo should not contain any dyes, as these can cause skin irritation.
Tea Tree Oil Warning
In some cases, a pet with sensitive skin may be allergic to tea tree oil. Test for irritation by washing only a small patch of shampoo on your pet to begin with. If scratching occurs, discontinue use. If your pet has a history of severe skin problems, check with your veterinarian before applying a new shampoo on your pet. A veterinarian may prescribe a special shampoo for pets with unusually sensitive skin. Never apply tea tree oil to your skin's pet directly. If they lick it off, it can be fatal.
Tea Tree Pet Natural Shampoo Without Harmful Chemicals
Products infused with tea tree oil have long been regarded for their natural therapeutic properties. When applied topically, tea tree oil will cleanse and soothe the skin. This is true for humans and for pets. Shampoo that contains tea tree oil can be used to cleanse pets that suffer from skin conditions or for owners who are not comfortable washing their animals with products that rely on man-made chemicals as their cleaning agents. Check the guidelines below for using tea tree shampoo to ensure your pet will stay clean and safe.